Monday, February 25, 2013

So I left Hogwarts and it makes me sad. I was only there for twelve days!!! I absolutely LOVED it! I learned so much and made such great friends. But it was a great experience that I will never forget.
I apologize for the quality of the phone call from the airport. I promise I'm normal sometimes... So the plane ride! I so totally wanted to place a Book of Mormon right? Well of course an LDS girl who went to BYU sits by me. But funny. Her dad is Hermana Porter, Hermana Ferrell, and Hermana Andersen's mission president in Chile! I was like freakin' out. So I put in a good word for them and she called her dad after the flight. I came in with 25 other new missionaries from the MTC. Nine of us were sisters...and we were all the younger age. Apparently we are the first younger missionaries in this mission. Everyone likes to announce that I'm nineteen. Sigh. How.deee.... Joke. I am not in that part of Texas and I am kind of sad about it. I am in a place called Flower Mound. It is very wealthy and many people are transplants from other states. Some have accents but not as many as I hoped. But flip, these houses are HUMUNGO. You were here again Dad? I'm pretty close to the airport! Don't visit me. My apartment is so nice. It is spacious and even has a fireplace. It's kind of ridiculous thinking about how so many missionaries are basically living in a hut. This apartment is 1980243784092384 times better than the Riviera. There is even a workout room, that we go to every morning. Saayy whaaa? Yeah, I have to hop over the giant pool to get there. I live in a gated community basically. I love it, but someday I will go to the hick part of Texas. I will. I WILL! :)
Sister Perkins is AWESOME! :) She is 21 and from Seattle Washington. She actually finished her training when I got here and is not training me. So she has been here about twelve weeks. She is so nice and we get along great but our work ethics are COMPLETELY different. I am like willing to break my body for this work. Don't worry Mom...I won't. But I just want to work my guts out every single second of every single day. This is the Lord's time and I'm not gonna waste it! I'm more of a...we need to go out and talk to as many people as we can. We need to go find those people who God has prepared!!! She's more of a go with the flow....God will send them to us type of person. Honestly, I'm starting to get frustrated because I feel like we do nothing. I haven't even taught a real lesson yet. They say this area is hard and slow...which to me translates as WORK HARDER AND CHANGE THAT. I don't even feel like a real missionary yet. I feel like a lot of the time, we are just wasting time. Every night, I come up with ways we can be more effective missionaries and I tell Sister Perkins. She is awesome and nothing I say is to complain about her...but things aren't working here so we need to step it up! She thinks we are doing amazing, but I think we need a lot of improvement! Every second I waste here, I am missing an opportunity to help build the kingdom of God. So I have all these ideas and I am determined to change this reputation. But I also feel bad because Sister Perkins is my trainer and I should be following her guidance. Guys...I like boss my trainer around. MY TRAINER. Who does that?! Okay, not boss...but I give her suggestions on what we could do to be more effective! But our views are just completely different. I'm not saying I'm right and she's wrong or vice versa. It is all about what God needs us to do. I just want to be the best missionary I an be. I want to make Him proud. I want to work so hard that I wear myself out everyday. I am just so ready! I just don't want to be held back.
I have been shaped so much already. I have realized how small I am. I am small. But all things are possible with the Lord. How great our God is! Miracles are possible! Christ is our Savior! I am His instrument! This church is the only true church! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!
This is my address...
5210 Long Prairie Road #1626
Flower Mound, TX 75028

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Letter from Lisa's Mission President

Dear Family,

Sister Sagers and I want you to know that your missionary has arrived safely here in Texas. We look forward to serving together in accomplishing the Lord's work. We hope you enjoy the attached picture of your missionary, as well as knowing that the missionaries are in good hands here as they are in the Lord's service

They arrived on Tuesday and we took them to the Mission Home where we had a good Texas Barbeque meal and then a Testimony Meeting. We then went to a local Ward Building for some training and a personal interview with President Sagers. We then went out and did some first contacting. The Elders spent the night at the Assistant the President apartment and the Sisters stayed at the Mission Home. Wednesday morning we had some more training followed by meeting their first Mission Field companion. 

Your Missionary’s first assignment will be in the Lewisville area. She will be serving with Sister Perkins.

Your missionary will email on Monday (which is their preparation day), and give her mailing address.


President and Sister Sagers

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Okay so I don't have a lot of time so I'm going to be jumping around a lot.
First off. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM AND DAD! Expect a letter soon about how much I looooooove you and how grateful I am for you! :) I am glad you saw The Impossible! It's a great movie right?
I LOVE my district. Everyone told me my district would be my family and they truly are. They are rowdy and funny at times, but spiritual and powerful instruments in the Lord's hands. And my district leader is Spongebob in human form. We also talk about Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter often so how could I not love them? We are all going to the Fort Worth Texas mission so hopefully we will see each other out in the field because we've only been here for ten days and we already have to separate!! :( The boys like to talk in Texas accents and they stand every time the sisters enter the room. This just shows me what the love of Christ is capable of! We have all come so much closer to Christ, which has made our love for each other so much stronger! I JUST LOVE THIS GOSPEL!
Just to explain a little bit. I will be leaving the MTC at five AM on Tuesday. I think our plane leaves at like nine or something? So expect a phone call. I can't believe how fast it's gone! I feel like I'm not ready at all! I mean...I will be teaching REAL TEXANS in like two days!!! AGGHHHH! I only got to attend one Tuesday night devotional and our Branch President gave us the going away speech the same time he gave us the welcoming speech. I guess I'll just put my trust in the Lord because there is NO WAY I can do this without Him. But I can do anything with His help.
This work is enlarging like crazy! The sisters alone almost fill the gym during relief society. I have heard rumors of a sister's MTC. I have also heard that they will soon send ALL the Spanish Speaking missionaries to the MTC in Mexico. And I have heard that some missionaries will not go to an MTC at all and they will go straight to the field.
Our investigator is committed to be baptized! I know it's not real but it's still a great feeling. Funny story. There are these two teachers (not my teachers) that love my companion and I. But the only reason we know that is because we walked in on them talking with our teacher about us. They were talking about how well we know Preach my Gospel and the scriptures. PFFF!!! Yeah right! I don't even know what those teachers were talking about! I feel like I know nothing! Yes, Preach My Gospel and the scriptures are very important to know, but nothing would be possible without the Holy Ghost. HE is the teacher. I am just the messenger. I am just the instrument in the Lord's hands.
So as a missionary, we of course make goals. I have decided that I want to completely forget about myself for these next eighteen months. This is the Lord's time. I am his servant twenty four seven for the next eighteen months! If I am ever sad, it will be because I am sad for a person's salvation, not because IIII didn't get a baptism. This is NOT ABOUT ME. I don't want to pity myself. This is about God's children. This is about Christ. I want to work my hardest and give my Savior my all. I am here on a missionary to build HIS kingdom. I love putting this name tag on my chest every day. I am a representative of JESUS CHRIST! That is a great privilege and responsibility and I want to make Him proud.
I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for the letters and packages! I will write you all today. And don't send me any more letters until you get my new address once I reach Texas. THANK YOU! I will send you my address in my next update which will be Mondays once I enter the field! LOVEYOU~

Sister Alisa Barnes Jr.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sister Barnes Jr. - so it begins...dun dun dun...

I am miserable. HA! Now that mom has an ulcer. Let's be serious. I'm pretty sure MTC is short for Hogwarts. Lots of learning and lots of magic. REALLY! This place is magical! I even got to lead a song with a wand once! If I'm comparing this place to Hogwarts, you got to know how much I love it. I just want to sing and dance and laugh because I am just HAPPY ALL THE TIME! I just want to smile and smile until my mouth falls out of my face. Maybe not to that extreme, but pretty close.
My companion's name is Sister Long from Rigby Idaho. She is nineteen as well. I love her! We have a good time and are good friends. She is very outgoing and I actually think she's kind of weird...just because HOW open she is. Sometimes I'm like...Uhhh...Why would you say that? But it's fine because I love her!
Okay so just explain a little about the MTC and all the changes. Over 800 missionaries entered the MTC on the same day I did. That is record for the MTC, but it won't be for long. They are at MAXIMUM capacity right now with 3000 missionaries. This spring there will be 8000 missionaries. You can tell how stressed everyone is. They have no idea how they are going to house, teach, and feed almost three times the amount they have already. But we all know the Lord will provide a way! :) I am also the very first week to get cut. So instead of being here for three weeks, I am here for about twelve days. I can also tell everyone is stressed about that. My teachers don't know how they are going to teach everything to us in almost half the time, but I'm just glad I'm not learning a language! But they have told us that they have widened the fire hose and they have turned up the heat in the frying pan. PFFF! Ha ha agreed...but it's so good for me. I have learned and grown so much just in these three days!!! But I love in ten!!! AHHHH! I am so grateful for my study of preach my gospel. All my teachers asked if I have taken mission prep. Nope. Just studied PMG and BOM! But wow. I have a lot of work to do, but I love being on the Lord's errand. There is no place I'd rather be! But sad, they basically have cut our gym time out and filled it with teaching. I only get to go a few more time. I got my flight plans already! I leave on Tuesday the 19th early in the morning.
Hermana Porter just happens to live three doors down. What are the odds? She comes into my room every night and we get to talk. It's so nice being here with my best friend! I missed Sister Farr by a day. But there's a grouchy girl in my room that glares at Hermana Porter and me when we talk.
But it's okay because she's a red head, so she has no soul. Hermana Porter has been here eight weeks and leaves a week after I do. She definitely brings happiness to my heart.
So along to go with the Harry Potter theme. I'm pretty sure we're all "chosen ones." Chosen to teach this gospel!!! I'm in love I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! In love with the GOSPEL! Harry Potter is a pretty close runner up i guess... and then zombies...and then football...And maybe my family.... BUT MY FATHER AND SAVIOR ARE NUMBER UNO!!!!
I'm almost out of time. My P Days are Saturdays here (so one more ha.) and then Mondays in the field. I'll be there  in TEN DAYS! AHHHH! Let's hope I can get better by then! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR TEACHING ME THIS GOSPEL THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY AND MAKES ME SING WITH JOY! I really do have the best family ever. Peace and blessings. Peace and blessings.

I forgot to tell you the highlight so far! So morning after I arrive, I'm in one of the workshop classes right? So he comes up to the four sisters in my district (My whole district is going to Fort another one...all who got here on the same day and leaving the same day...) and he asks me and the other three sisters in my district a little about ourselves. Then he asked if we want to be filmed in this workshop? Umm...What? Well we of course said yes. What else are you supposed to say? So this guy ends up being in charge of all the hiring and all the teachers. He picked us sisters from my district (he thought the boys from my district were too cocky...ha ha...they are kind of young and immature. Oh elders...)  and then eight elders from another district. Took us to this room with all these cameras and filmed us in the workshop. It's a training video for teachers.There are 950 teachers right now...Who knows how many are going to be hired with all the new missionaries! Don't worry...They film a new one only every ten years. NBD. So remember that huge zit I got the day I was arriving at the MTC? about thousands and thousands of new teachers will be watching me and my giant zit for the next ten years. But it was honestly such a cool experience! But if I made a stupid comment or something...don't judge me. I was nervous okay?!?!
Oh...and the air conditioning is broken. It's been like 100 degrees in my room so I haven't slept much. Don't worry, the red head wrote a "nice" letter to "ask" them to come and fix it. HA! Oh I love her...AND her moodiness. Keeps my life exciting.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Farewell Talk

HIIIIII!! Welp. I’M GOING ON A MISSION!!!! I will be serving a mission in Fort Worth Texas and I leave in ten days. I am SO EXCITED!!! I was ecstatic when I was told my topic was on the Holy Ghost, because without him, missionary work would be unsuccessful! Even the Holy Ghost guided me into the decision of going on a mission. I had never really thought about going on a mission….until my senior year of high school when my older sister Autumn made the choice to serve. At that time, I got more comfortable with idea of serving a mission. That is when I started studying the Preach My Gospel manual. I read a couple pages every night, but I studied it not as a future full time missionary, but just as a missionary in everyday life. I honestly never thought I would go on a mission…and I honestly didn’t want to. Missions are hard. And I didn’t want to put myself through that. Over time, I lost interest in serving a mission altogether. Then about eight months ago, I all the sudden had the greatest feeling that I needed to go on a mission. Whaaaat? I was only eighteen. But it really conflicted me at that time. I felt like I needed to serve but I didn’t know if it was right or if I should. And I was scared! I even talked to Autumn who was already on her mission, about my sudden desire to serve. She told me that I didn’t need to make that choice right then. I still had three more years to make that decision. PFFF! She was so right! So I didn’t think about it. I didn’t worry about it. I still had three more years before I could even leave…or so I thought. On October 6, 2012- President Thomas S Monson- When I heard those words… “that able, worthy young women, may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19” I literally went into shock. I was astonished. I just could not even comprehend what just happened!  I couldn’t tell you what occurred in the rest of general conference. I was in a daze. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am not a crier. I do not cry! (which is funny because I was crying when I said that…Heh) And I had not cried for about 18 months…until that announcement was made. But sadly, it wasn’t because of joy. I immediately felt like I should go, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to leave school, or my friends, or my family. I had a job at Disney world for this summer. I wouldn’t see my sister for probably an extra year. I had my next five years planned precisely and I didn’t want to ruin that. I also felt unprepared and inadequate to participate in something so important. I was scared. I was lost. I was confused. I was conflicted. I just wanted someone to tell me what to do. So I asked my parents. They of course told me that I had to make this decision. Thanks mom and dad. You’re a lot of help! But they were right. So we prayed. And then I read my patriarchal blessing out loud. As I read, I burst into tears.  I could barely choke out the words…Because I knew. I knew I needed to go. No I did not hear some voice saying “Lisa should go on a mission.” No.. I could feel it. In Boyd K. Packer’s words “the voice of the Spirit comes as a feeling rather than a sound. You will learn, as I have learned, to listen for that voice that is felt rather than heard.” Close quote. I felt such an overwhelming peace in my heart. And I had my answer. It was the Holy Spirit guiding me. I received my answer like it states in Doctrine and Covenants- “I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. Behold, this is the spirit of revelation.” So here I am. J
The Holy Ghost has many roles. He bears witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is the source of personal testimony and revelation. He can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger. He is known as the Comforter, and He can calm our fears and fill us with hope. Through His power, we are sanctified as we repent, receive saving ordinances, and keep our covenants. It is through the influence of the Holy Ghost that we receive knowledge of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and feel Their power, goodness, and love.
Today, I would like to focus on the Holy Ghost’s roles as a director, a sanctifier, a comforter, and a testifier.
Let’s start with director. One of the most important things I have learned in my recent study of Preach My Gospel is to always be in tune with the spirit. Over and over again I see phrases like “as directed by the Spirit” or “prompted by the Spirit.” Sometimes those promptings are against what we have planned, but He knows better than we do. If we are in tune with Him and listen to His promptings, even if they don’t make sense to us, we can be guided, protected, and we can be instruments in the Lord’s hands. I would like to share what my sister Autumn, who is currently serving in Brazil, wrote in her most recent update. She said “One thing I have been amazed with here on the mission is how the Spirit works. Sometimes, most of the time, we do things without knowing why. Sometimes we do what the spirit tells us to do, and things don't go right. But the Lord leads us on a wild goose chase of sorts........that thing that didn't go right, but put us in a position for something else to happen. I feel like that has happened with me these past weeks. My companion hurt her ankle so I went on splits with a lady in my ward. While I was walking with her on the street, I had the strong impression to talk to a lady walking past. The spirit pretty much pushed me to do it. I didn't even have time to mentally prepare myself, so I pretty much attacked the lady and made just about the ugliest contact a missionary can make. (all with the member right there with me. How embarrassing. But the important thing is that I listened to the spirit and opened my mouth). Turns out that this lady and the member I was with, knew each other. Because of the member, I was able to make an appointment with this lady. Long story short, we weren't able to make it to the appointment when we had scheduled, so we went to her house yesterday. She was at home, but was hiding. I saw her, but she didn't come to the fence to us. So, I decided that because we were there and our appointment fell through, I would knock on the door of the house next door. We knocked and out came this man and his girlfriend. They were super interested. Thank you Heavenly Father!” The Holy Ghost guided my sister to these people that were ready to hear the gospel. The Holy Ghost will show unto you all things what you should do.
The Spirit as a sanctifier. In a talk by Boyd K. Packer, he says “Some will make critically serious mistakes, transgressing the laws of the gospel. Here it is time to remind you of the Atonement, repentance, and complete forgiveness to the point that you can become pure again. The Lord said, “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”13If the adversary should take you prisoner due to misconduct, I remind you that you hold the key that will unlock the prison door from the inside. You can be washed clean through the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ. You may, in time of trouble, think that you are not worth saving because you have made mistakes, big or little, and you think you are now lost. That is never true! Only repentance can heal what hurts. But repentance can heal what hurts, no matter what it is.” Then Dieter Uchdorf counseled “Once we have truly repented, Christ will take away the burden of guilt for our sins. We can know for ourselves that we have been forgiven and made clean. The Holy Ghost will verify this to us; He is the Sanctifier. No other testimony of forgiveness can be greater.” Close quote. In 2 Nephi, it says that after repentance, then cometh the remission of your sins by fire AND THE HOLY GHOST. Brothers and sisters, we are not perfect. We have made mistakes and we will make more. But like President Uchdorf promises “Wherever you find yourselves on this journey through life, whatever trials you may face, there is always a point of safe return; there is always hope.” Close quote. By using the precious gift of the atonement, and through the power of the Holy Ghost, the sanctifier, we may become clean again. What a merciful God we have!
The Holy Ghost as a comforter. Elder Craig C. Christenson said about the spirit- “During times of trouble or despair or simply when we need to know that God is near, the Holy Ghost can lift our spirits, give us hope, and teach us “the peaceable things of the kingdom,”11 helping us feel “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” Close quote. I have witnessed this time and time again in my own life. There is one in particular that I will always remember- The first time I remember feeling the Holy Ghost so strongly. It was about eight years ago, so I was only eleven years old.  My oldest sister was due with her second baby in just two weeks. At one of her last check ups, they discovered that her little baby had died inside her womb. She would have to go in the next day and give birth to a lifeless, little baby girl. I was young and I hadn’t really experienced loss before. It was heartbreaking for my family. I was sad. Sad for my sister. Sad for my little niece. I remember opening up the scriptures in my daily reading. I do not remember where it was or what it said. But I remember how I felt… I wasn’t sad anymore. It’s like…it had been lifted from me. I just felt…..calm. I knew that my sister and her family would be okay. And I knew little Kirsten Anne was okay.. “The Holy Ghost can fill us with hope and perfect love and teach us the peaceable things of the kingdom.” Our trials won’t be easy, but they can be easier with the help of the Comforter.
The Holy Ghost as a testifier- Craig C Christenson says “The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a revelator.13 As we study, ponder, and pray about gospel truths, the Holy Ghost enlightens our minds and quickens our understanding.14 He causes the truth to be indelibly written in our souls and can cause a mighty change to occur in our hearts. As we share these truths with our families, with fellow members of the Church, and with friends and neighbors in our community, the Holy Ghost becomes their teacher as well, for He carries the message of the gospel “unto the hearts of the children of men.” In true to the faith- “He “witnesses of the Father and the Son” (2 Nephi 31:18) and reveals and teaches “the truth of all things” (Moroni10:5). You can receive a sure testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ only by the power of the Holy Ghost. His communication to your spirit carries far more certainty than any communication you can receive through your natural senses.” You can receive a sure testimony ONLY BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST. For the longest time, I thought it was the missionary who was doing the converting, but this is not true at all. The missionary, in Ezra Taft Benson’s words “is only a vessel through whom the Lord can transmit his Spirit.” Spencer W Kimball says “the missionary does not convert anyone; the Holy Ghost does the converting. The power of conversion is directly associated with the Holy Ghost, for no person can be truly converted and know that Jesus is the Christ save by the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Again, those words POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST. Brothers and sisters, we have been blessed with a great and powerful gift that brings so much goodness into our lives and into the lives of others. But like so many other things, it is conditional. We must remain worthy to keep it. We must keep the commandments. “As we bring our life in harmony with God’s will, we will gradually receive the Holy Ghost in great measure.” (True to the Faith) We must live our lives in a way where He will be our constant companion. His influence is a gift from God, but we must do our part to keep it. Read the Book of Mormon, we have received a promise from President Hinckley, that if we read the Book of Mormon, “there will come into your lives and into your homes an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God.”
I know that the power of the Holy Ghost is real. He has touched my life many times. He has softened my heart. He has calmed my fears. He has protected me from harm. He has guided me in times of confusion. He has shown me the truth. He has testified to me of the love of our God and Savior.
I would like to close by sharing the reasons why I am going on a mission. When one of my friends discovered I was going on a mission, he said “Oh you’re one of those girls.” That night, I really thought about what he said and why I was doing this. Was I just jumping on the bandwagon in all the sudden excitement? Was I going because most of my friends are on missions? Was I going for my own personal growth? I realized that those aren’t the reasons I am going. I am serving a mission because I want everyone to have the same happiness that the gospel gives me. I want everyone to receive the blessings of the temple. I want everyone to know and to feel of God’s abundant love for them. Each and every one of us is His child and He loves us with so much love that we cannot comprehend. One of my favorite scriptures is in Romans 8:38-39. “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the Love of God, which is Christ Jesus our Lord. He loves us. No matter who we are. No matter what we’ve done. He wants all of us to come home. He loves us so much that he sent his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to come to this Earth and to suffer for our sins…that we may be able to return to our Father in Heaven. He, being completely perfect…never giving into temptation or touching an unclean thing…suffered….and bled….for me…so imperfect…fpr my sins…for everyone’s sins. I know that if you or I were the only person, Christ would still do it. He knows and understands every pain, illness, adversity, and misery we have ever gone through. He is truly my Savior, my Redeemer, my brother, my confidant, and my best friend. I know that if we follow the true prophet Thomas S. Monson, we will be guided in a way that we can return to our Father. And if we read the true words of the Book of Mormon, we can become closer to Him in this life. I know that Joseph Smith translated this book and he restored the TRUE gospel to this Earth. I know these things are true and I wish for everyone to have the opportunity to know these things. That is why I am going on a mission. I say these things in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.