Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dun dun dunn...

I don't know why my email is titled this...I thought people might be more excited about reading my update...
First of all...I had two epiphanies...Peter in the Bible Videos is Joseph Smith in the Joseph Smith movie! That one was a big one for me. Also, the dad in Everything You Want (Maybe only Aut knows what I'm talking about...) is in the mormon message Enduring Love and is also Governor Boggs in the Joseph Smith movie! Okay...really not cool...but I'm proud of myself.
Remember how I was supposed to be working at Disney World this summer? Weird. Life has a way of playing out differently than one plans. :) All I know is we must put our trust in the Lord and lean not unto our own understanding! Everything will be okay if we do that. :) Butttt.....I am SO going to Harry Potter world when I get home. That is still one of my dreams! ;) Dad yeah? Okay. Thanks. Tangent. Okay. Stopping.
So I heard something new concerning our religion...Apparently, only GUYS can be mormon! Wow...I had no idea. Ha ha this lady was trying to convince us that our church only believed that men could be members. Lady...we have both been members for a looong time. I think we would know. At least she didn't ask if we had horns...
This week was a little bit slower. Good things are still happening though! Robin is preparing herself to be baptized pretty soon here! Transfers are next week though so I might barely miss it. That's okay...as long as it happens. I love her. :) We teach a lot of black people and they are my favorite....Boneeshia...gotta love her...and Jermaine...Jermeeshia...Jercadence...Keanna... I can't even handle them because they are sooo cool!!!
Wow. My favorite part about being a missionary (I'm pretty sure I say that every week about something different...) is bearing my testimony a bzillion times a day. I just LOVE testifying! It strengthens my testimony. It strengthens other people around me. The spirit is felt. So yes, I simply love bearing my testimony. I know God loves us and this is His church! This is His work and His glory! Follow Him. Keep His commandments. Trust Him. Love Him. Become like Him.
Sister Barnes
P.S. I mention jet skiing...so you just have to go jet skiing. Ironic. ;)
P.P.S. I'm glad Mom won in 5 crowns. As long as it wasn't Dad! Ha toodles!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I got to go to the temple AGAIN! I am so lucky. Some missionaries from the mission don't even get to go once! It was amazing as usual. I hope y'all make the temple a priority in your lives because wow...just wow. But that is why I didn't email yesterday...sorry!
We had interviews with our new president this past week! Wow. He is a truly inspired man and very excited about the work. His goal is to eventually do away with tracting. Woah. That's kind of a big deal! He wants us to be so busy that we don't have time to tract! MAN! Sister Meiners rubbed that one in my face! I just think it's fun sometimes.... Ha ha but members members members. If the members AND the missionaries were doing this together, the work would soar! That is President Ames's vision. Now we just need to motivate the members! :)
You truly do come to love a lot of people on your mission...especially your investigators. You love with them, you cry with them, and sometimes you cry for them. I think it gives me just a slight taste of how Heavenly Father feels about me. Sometimes love really hurts! You truly are devastated when your investigator/friend chooses wrong. It just tears you apart. If that's how my human heart feels, can you imagine how Heavenly Father feels about us?! It's mind blowing. I've learned a lot out here, but love is definitely a big one.
I love this gospel oh so much. I wish people could and would understand just how truly important it is. Can't we just like take away their agency? Oh wait.....awkward. Ha ha! Joke. Agency is wonderful! :) But I am still coming to a better understand of just HOW important it is. It is EVERYTHING. The Doctrine of Christ is EVERYTHING. It is beautiful and it is true.
I'm sorry this is so short! Just know how much I love y'all and how much I love this gospel!
Sister Barnes
P.S. Mom...have you by chance watched the Walking Dead at all lately?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Missing Scrunchee...

So missions are kind of hard sometimes. There are a lot of unhappy people who give you the bird, slam doors in your face, or curse at you...and I've been totally fine! I've been completely happy! But then...I lose my scrunchee...and THAT's when I almost cry. I am "THAT SISTER." How embarrassing. But it's fine because I said a prayer and.....scrunchee and Lisa REUNITE! :) But I didn't really cry...just so you know... cough cough moving on...
Miracle story for the week. A husband and wife just moved in, they showed up to church in a different ward...the lady walks up to the ward secretary and asks him how she can become a member of the church. Yes ladies and gents...that is how easy missionary work is. HA! I wish! But turns out they went to the wrong ward on accident and she's really in OUR area. She is amazing and has truly been prepared by God! Her baptism is just in 2 weeks. I know that we are being blessed for our obedience.
Also Emily Long was finally baptized! It's been a loooong time coming...but it's moments like these when I understood why God sent me to Arlington 2nd Ward North. I love her and I know she will make it to the end! Favorite part as a missionary, watching the smile on my friend's face as they make those sacred covenants with God. I can't help but to smile as well. It's contagious. This gospel is soooo happy! It's just pure happiness! I wish more people could understand that! But how great is my calling.
We couldn't make it to the temple this week...but will hopefully go in two weeks! I'll let ya know.
FUNNY experience. So this is the bible belt right? So people are fully willing to pray with us. I don't even know what religion this lady was...but we were all holding hands in a circle and she was flailing our arms around and chanting "Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus! THANK YOU JESUS!" I'm sorry...I lost it. I couldn't help it okay! You know how weak I am when it comes to holding in laughter! But I was laughing so hard I was crying. But it's fine because I think she assumed I was crying because I was touched. HALELUJAH! AMEN!
As a missionary, you are not allowed to hold children. This is painful. The cuties here love "da sisto mishinaries". They reach out to us and they try and sit on our laps. We painfully have to scoot them aside. :( They are soooo cute!!!! If I didn't love kids before, I LOVE kids now!
Another funny story, the Bishop yelled and said that if me or my companion get transferred, he's going straight to the president of the church! He's skipping the stake president and mission president and is going to go straight to the Prophet! Well...you had to be there. He's this really sweet, old man...and he was very animated when he said that. Ha ha oh Bishop. We have fallen in love with the members here. It's going to be hard to leave.
Mom, the demon dog hasn't gotten me in awhile..he snaps at me, but I have learned his devilish ways. He is now a 100 pound puppy and still growing. Sigh. But no more blood! BUT...my legs have literally fifty scars on them each from all the mosquito bites I receive daily. It's kind of disgustingly gross how disgustingly gross my legs are.
Family and friends...this church is SOOO true! If you have any doubts, read the Book of Mormon and pray. It is true. I KNOW for myself that it is true. and I love it. I simply love it. Nothing gives me greater happiness than this gospel. And if that's in this life? Can you imagine what joy we will receive in the eternities? Wowzer. I love y'all so much. SO SO MUCH. I only have a little over a year left. Where has the time gone?! But I know that I have stretched. It sometimes hurts, but I have felt the changes within me. God can not ONLY change behaviors, but he can change natures. How great is our God!
Sister Barnes

Monday, July 8, 2013

I love fourth of July. It's hard to believe that it was a whole year ago that I was sitting on a boat in Lake Powell watching the fireworks. The time has flown. I have been out for 5 months already. Umm...weird. That means I have only a little over a year left and that kind of freaks me out because...THEY'RE IS STILL SO MUCH TO DO! You asked me what I did on the fourth. Well...we painted a house all afternoon and then we went out and did missionary work for the rest of the day! :) Ha ha I feel so guilty about celebrating anything when we could be working instead.
My new mission president. WOW. What an amazing and inspired man. I love him. I got slapped in the face by the spirit. This work is sooo important! We have no idea! We are not here to keep the ball rolling, we are here to push this work forward! Something that hit me so hard was when he told us what L. Tom Perry had shared with him and all the other new mission presidents. These new mission changes are as important as the first vision, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and all worthy males receiving the priesthood. Umm...woah. I think we have no idea how important missionary work is right now. But this has inspired to be more bold. I KNOW why I'm here. I KNOW my purpose! I am here to help people come closer to Christ and make everlasting changes in their lives that will last through the eternities. I am here to help truly convert people to the Gospel by the power of the Holy Ghost. That is why I am on a mission...no more beating around the bush. Every one NEEDS this gospel! I will do all I can so I can be an instrument in the Lord's hands so I can effectively be His proxy. I love this gospel and I love this work so much! Only the gospel can give us everlasting happiness! If we have any doubts, trials, worries...the gospel is the answer to all of these questions. Trust in the Lord and everything will be okay.
Before I forget, I might be able to email until next Friday because I'm going to the temple. WOOT WOOT! I. Can't. Wait.
Some things that have happened this week...
The nursing home...ALWAYS a good time with God's older children. There's a lady from Brooklyn named Rosalyn and she is a hoot. We sang a hymn for her, but we only knew one verse....She wanted us to keep going but we didn't know the rest of the verses! She yelled "When we're kneeling at the judgement bar....I'M TELLING GOD YOU DIDN'T FINISH YOUR SONG!!!" She slightly crazy, but that's why I love her so much. She also love to make up songs about Jesus...They're quite interesting.. Gotta love the bible belt.
And the demon puppy that I have talked about before? Yeah...it drew blood again... and slammed me against the wall. But NBD right?
AHHHH!!! There's so much more I want to say but I'm out of time. Just know that I love this gospel so much and I'm so glad I'm here. And know that I love y'all so much. And you better love me too or I'd be very upset. Thanks. Peace. Love. Harmony. Save the whales. All that good stuff.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A brraaannnddd neeewww caaarrrr!!!

The mini van is gone. Tear drop. They just came by one night and took it away from us. :( How I am going to miss that good ole party bus. BUT...what did they give us instead? A brand. new. car. Like...it had a few miles on it. It's REALLY nice and I'm scared to touch it let alone drive it. Just pray for me. Thanks. It's really nice and people ooh and awe when we drive by. We're kind of a big deal.
So I wrote everything down that I was going to write about and I forgot the piece of paper....so this may be very vague. Sorry bout that one..
It is getting HOT here. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I mean...yeah...it's pretty hot and humid. Only three more months of it though right? Ha.
Aut! Sister Lima emailed me and told me about how an amazing missionary you were and how everyone talked about how amazing you were! That's right...that's my sista!
Okay...South Carolina? Mom and Dad...I can't believe how busy ya'll are! I thought your lives would be so boring after your youngest child left.. Guess I was wrong.. But don't burn yourselves out.. Remember that you're old. HA! K. sorry...that was a funny joke. Not really. Cough. Moving on.
Mom! That's amazing that you're trying to be a better missionary! We need more people in the world like that. And don't even worry...it's all I've been doing for the past five months and I make boo boos all the time! Just keep trying and you will be blessed. :)
We have a new mission president..We'll meet him tomorrow. I'm excited for a new adventure!
Sister Meiners and I have finally come to an agreement. So my favorite thing is tracting right. (I know...I'm weird...I just think tracting is really funny...) and Sister Meiners's least favorite thing is tracting...so we have come up with the fancy method of something called jog tracting. So before dinner, we just kind of ran up the street and hit as many houses as we can before dinner! Jog tracting! It's da beeeesssttt..
Funny story while tracting...so we knock on the door and no answer...all the sudden...the EMPTY car behind us starts!!! I screamed so loud and threw my scriptures it scared me so bad! The engine was revving and everything with no one in it. People think they are soooo funny. Just pull a little prank on the mormon missionaries why don't ya.
So I am kind of a spaz still, but I am actually learning a lot and my testimony has grown so much. I can't even describe my feelings for the gospel. It is EVERYTHING! and I love it with everything I got and with everything I am. I like this quote President Sagers sent out in his very last email to us...
"We are the Church of Jesus Christ. This is the truth. He is our great eternal head. Why would we believe, why would we think that it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him. In turn, how could we possibly bear any moving, lasting testimony of the Atonement if we have never known or felt anything of such an experience? As missionaries we are proud to say that we are Disciples of Christ and we are, but mark my word; that means that you must be prepared to walk something of the path He walked, to feel something, something a little of the pain He felt. To at least occasionally, sometime during your mission, shed one of the tears or sorrow that He shed. Presidents, if the missionaries can come to love and appreciate it, the atonement will carry them, perhaps even more important than it will carry their investigators. You let them know when they struggle, when they are rejected, when they are spit upon and and cast out, and made a hiss and a byword, they are standing shoulder to shoulder with the best life that this world has ever known, the only pure and perfect missionary that ever lived. They have every reason to stand tall and to be grateful that the Savior and Redeemer of the world knows all about their sorrows and their afflictions and that for a moment or two in their lives they will understand what He went through for them. The only way to salvation is through Gethsemane. The only victory is the victory of the summit of Calvary. Welcome to the journey of the Disciples of Christ." Elder Holland, New MIss. Pres. Seminar June 2007
I think it not only pertains to full time missionaries but ALL of us. I am grateful for my Savior's sacrifice for us. I love Him so much. Let us all remember this! Let us never forget! The atonement will carry us. I know that is true.
I love ya'll and I'm so grateful for everything ya'll do for me.
Sister Barnes