Monday, June 24, 2013

Transfers this week...but my prayers were answered and I'm staying here in Arlington with Sister Meiners!!!! :) EEKS! So I have the same address.
Okay, I feel like I have a lot to write and not very much time...
First of all...funny stories from this week. One of the elder's investigators that we're good friends with wanted Sister Meiners and I to baptize her. Yes, she asked us to baptize her... Heh.... AWKWARD.
This old lady thought Sister Meiners and I were partners... LESBEHONEST. That's gross.
This lady canceled an appointment because she was "very active on the toilet." Yes, she told us all about her experience and she wouldn't stop. Gag me with a spoon it was so nasty and descriptive!!!
Three birds and a toad pooped on Sister Meiners in the space of an hour.
When we heard that there was a missionary broadcast meeting, we thought we were for sure going to be transferred to China...
What the internet?! That was news to me!!! But it is not in effect yet and may never be in our mission. We have to wait for future counsel...Good thing I'm such a pro facebook stalker. I honestly would be an amazing facebook missionary...not to brag or anything. But really...That broadcast was amazing and I'm glad ya'll got to watch it. The work is hastening!!! Let us ALL work together in this glorious cause!
That family reunion sounds so fun!!! Jeeping?! Okay know it's only fun if I'm driving. It's only exciting if you almost die at least two different times. I would've made it fun!!!! :) And yes Autumn, I would have been on the edge right beside you, sticking my head out over the edge. I will ALWAYS be stupid with you...I promise you. :) I'm glad ya'll had a good time with the fam. Was it different without having Grandma and Grandpa there? Moab is just a hopping place though!
Thank you for sending pictures of the mountains... I miss them!!! :)
President Sagers is goooone...WAAAAHHHH. :( I am gonna miss that crazy cowboy!!! But I am excited to meet President Ames. It will be exciting!
Yeah, seven peaks... Those mat slides are way fun and take out the wedgie part of the equation. Aut, did you know that I had a season pass there last year? Those slides are dee best.
Okay, I am out of time...Sorry this wasn't very spiritual. But just know that I KNOW this is the true me...I would not be here in Texas, having doors slammed in my face...and having random dogs bite my leg if I didn't. I'm here and I love it! I know my Savior lives and I LOVE this gospel!!!
Sister Barnes
I'll send pictures!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Spicy Salsa

Do you know what I just bought me? Some salsa...but not the mild kind. The SPICY kind. It's just my fave. ;) ha ha ha...but really...Sister Meiners and I love our chips and SPICY salsa.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY PAPANWA! I hope you got/get my letter soon! It should be there by now but if not, it's on the way! But I just love my papanwa so much! I have been the most blessed girl evs. So my ward mission leader emailed ya'll? Awe... :)
I basically had the best week ever. I went on my first exchange! I got literally attacked by a giant puppy who I'm pretty sure is Fang's twin from Harry Potter and I have a new boyfriend named Denver.
To further explain these interesting events... A sister came with me to Arlington and it was the bestest day. Also, a 70 pound puppy tried to eat my face and gashed my leg open a little bit...I told the owner the blood was from a mosquito bite. HA! Missions cure you of ever wanting pets... Sister Meiners and I now volunteer at a nursing home every week. I. Love. It. It reminds me of my CNA days and I just love old, senile people. They make my heart sing. But Denver, who is probably in his 80's or 90's, has quite the thing for me. Flattering I know. But we just got so much done this week and I loooooove that feeling!!! :)
Emilee Farr is now in John and Connie Porter's mission. How jealous am I? AGH! My best friend's parents are my other best friend's mission parents! I'm feeling a little left's fine.
Random thought. Do you remember when Auttie fell onto that potted plant at Nauvoo? Oh my goodness. I am crying right now just thinking about it. I can still see her legs flying over her head. Cough. Ummm...just something to ponder about.
So Sister Meiners and I are like best friends right? We quote all the same movies, (She even quotes the movie Everything You Want!!!) we have all the same likes, we are quite the sassy's just great. But the bad thing about it is we like the same foods.. We ate a whole german cake in less than 24 hours. We don't even like cake and I don't even like coconut. I don't even know why I'm sharing this. I'm not sure if that's impressive or just disgusting. I'll pray about it.
The work is going well! Our investigators are still doing well and we have some baptisms coming up. :) We just taught the Grey family and the spirit that was felt was undeniable. It's just amazing how happy this gospel truly does make us. Sure we all go through our hard times, but the gospel is what helps me get out of bed in the morning...It's what gives me hope, peace, and joy. Can you imagine life without it? I can't. and that's why I'm here. So I know Autumn and Ethan are trying to figure out ways to try and get me home, but I think I'll stay. :):):) but I may get west nile disease so you might get lucky....
Love ya'll!!!!
Sister Barnes
P.S. I don't talk ditzy around nonmembers I promise!

Monday, June 10, 2013


So to explain the title...I am officially the soccer mom of Arlington. Yes...I am now driving a mini van. Don't worry we took pictures with it. Since there are so many missionaries and not as many cars...I would say a good portion of elders are on bikes. Sooooo....I have to drive the kids/elders on p days and for all our meetings. Oh man. It's the party bus though. We do quite enjoy it.
Okay so Sister Meiners's and my favorite song is "Me and God" by Josh Turner. Please listen to it. And is allowed. We love our inspirational country music! It is ALL about the country music. :)
I have recently realized that all I talk about in my updates is about let me introduce you to some of investigators from Arlington, TX!
Emily L- will be getting baptized on July 13th! Her parents are members but are inactive. She is 17 years old and REALLY wants to get baptized. Her mom was not letting her but her heart has been softened. We had a very spiritual lesson last night and we were all crying.
Emily L- Yes...we have two Emilys! She is 9 years old and also wants to get baptized and knows how important it is! Dad is holding her back on this one.
The Weekly Twins- two twelve year old twin girls who also just eat the gospel up but their mom is holding them back from baptism. We are praying for her heart to soften!
Brandon- is a little bit slower. He is 26 years old and found out he has Mormon cousins and wants to learn more!
Frank- is 42 and about the size of a child. He has some physical disabilities and is absolutely the weirdest, most hilarious guy. He comes to church with us and has finally committed to baptism!
Calvin- oh man...Calvin. We tracted into him. He read the whole Book of Mormon by the second time we came to see him. He is a funny old guy. I can't even explain Calvin.
Kim- her son was recently baptized into the single adult ward a few months back and is now in the military. She was actually just in our potentials and now we are such good friends with her!
Comfort- Her family's name is on the less active list of the ward directory. We went there and she was so gracious! Then we found out that she's not actually a member! But she loves us and we love her and will continue to teach her.
I think that is all I've got for now! Please pray for missionary work! This work is the most important thing ever!!!!
I love ya'll so much! I hope Autumn's talk went well! I gave a talk too! Twinsies!!!
God Bless Texas!
Sister Barnes
P.S. "Me and two peas in a and God."!!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Four Bs of Texas

The Four Bs of Texas...
1. Braums
2. Bluebell
3. Brisket
4. Baptists
You can look up the first two to know what they are! ;) But the last one is for sure..just sayin.
I can not even believe Auttie/Heathcliff is home! and it is not fair that her hair is so long... Is she awkward? I mean...more than she was before? Will you film her and Eeo together? I can just imagine how awk they are. I'd love to watch it someday so please videotape them. Thanks. I see she found my closet. Remember how each article of my clothing is like my child so just be gentle...but they really do need some TLC after these lonely four months! Are you going to BYU Provo? Sister. You can not betray the true blue..
Elder Daniel and I actually work very close together because he is also in Arlington! He goes home soon and asks me to give him lessons on how to not be awkward around girls... We have our work cut out for us. But it's been good to relive our good ole Philmont days. Dad! I believe you know his dad!
So remember how everything is bigger in Texas? That includes Lisa. If you could send me some healthy eating tips and maybe send me a jump rope...that would be nice. I'm kind of freaking out here. It's fine. NBD right?
So this week has been so rough! We work so diligently everyday and sometimes everything just falls apart! We had seven appointments get canceled on us this past week. Our baptismal date was pushed back again and nothing seemed to go right! It's easy to think "Why am I even here?! Why am I putting all this effort in and yet nothing happens?!" But the talk "the will of God" keeps popping into my head. I am the current bush and God is my gardener. I am being refined and shaped into who he wants me to be. and even though this week was rough, I will continue to work hard and do all I can to build the kingdom of God! I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who loves us enough to cut us down.
Another thing...I am getting way ditzy out here in Texas...It's kind of ridiculous how many blonde moments I have each day. and I drive the car so that's always an adventure. I decided I don't like cities. The end.
I give a talk this week! I'm surprised they actually gave me some notice! :)
Autumn...assignment... Keep me updated on home life! I've been hearing some cray cray things!
Relieved Andy is doing better and hope Grandpa feels better!
Dad is famous and Mom is going to girls camp.
LIFE SOUNDS GOOD! I love ya'll so much!
Can you please send me the letter/email/whatever it was that president sent you about me? I think I would love to read it! THANKS!
Sister Barnes (No longer JR......) Weird.