Monday, August 26, 2013

Life. Is. Beautiful.

First off...can I just tell you how much I love participating in God's work? There is NO place I'd rather be. I will NEVER regret the decision I made to go on a mission. Of course it's not butterflies and roses all the time (but who's life is?) but it's worth it! There will never be another time when I can give 24/7...every second of everyday working with my heart, might, mind, and strength for God! It's a beautiful blessing that I have and it truly gives me the greatest happiness. I have learned so much, felt so much, and overcome weaknesses. How. Great. Is. My. Calling.
Second...thanks SO MUCH for the package! Y'all know me too well. Everything is sooo me. :) It made my day! But question...what the world is the green thing? I wear it around my head (not out and about don't worry) but I'm really not sure what it is. So could someone please enlighten me so I can stop looking like an idiot? Thanks. :)
Oh funny story...I kind of hung up on President Ames the other day...on purpose. He was calling while we were on a doorstep. Sister Trusty didn't think anyone was coming so she answered it and threw it to me...RIGHT as they answered the door! President starts talking and I just say "President I have to go!" Click. Talk about terrible Sister Barnes! We got in to the house. ;) So I didn't end up calling him back for about 45 minutes. HA! Oh man. Good thing he's so cool. Anyway..I thought it was kind of funny...
So we have two baptisms coming up! A twelve year old boy named Cadence who is just amazing and so ready to be baptized. And Robin...still. She is so ready to be baptized, but the only reason why she hasn't is because she doesn't think she's ready, but she just needs to recognize that she is. But no worries...she's still progressing well and it WILL happen! The Gray parents have accepted baptism but not a date so we will keep working with them! Also, we've been working a lot with the less actives and some are FINALLY coming back! The church is SO TRUE that I can't even handle it!!! Oh man. Gotta love it.
Well...the elders are glaring at me because I'm taking too long. Sigh. Ha! So I gotta go but I love y'all so much!!!!
Sister Barnes

Monday, August 19, 2013

UNDER HOUSE ARREST....dun dun dun...

Oh man...where to start. How to even answer these emails! AHH! Y'all are stressing me out! Ha. Joke. First of all...HEATHECLIFF (Autumn) IS ENGAGED!!! AGHHH! I was dying laughing here in the library when I read all about it. I can not even wait for them. I am freakin' out! This is the second ring that she has stolen...just sayin...How is my CTR ring treatin' ya Aut? ;) HA HA HA but seriously..I want my ring back. Okay...kidding. Love ya.
I actually didn't realize that Chatty Cathy was a doll. I just hear that term all the time. Ha! But yeah...that's one thing that I've learned out to talk to people. I loooooove people. Every person has their own uniqueness, their own story, their own history, their own way of thinking. I love getting to know them and just chattin' with them. So sorry if I talk y'alls ears off when I get home. It's a Texas thing.
Okay...I've been trying to avoid this subject...and I thank you for your lengthy letters and emails trying to convince me that I'm being dumb. Ha ha I know y'all are just watching out for me. I AM scared to tell you because I DO think y'all will freak out. But just know that I'm feeling a lot better.
Mom, I will TRY to be honest. :) I'll start with zone conference...No I did not give my training. President Ames called me the night before and gave my training to someone else ( :( mine was good too!)..he also wouldn't let me drive...and then I had to leave early to get an MRI. Sigh. I was in pretty bad shape that day. I was really sick for awhile there but since the whole "house arrest" thing, I feel sooo much better. It makes me want to just get back out there because I feel fine!!! But then I just fall apart all over again when I try. But yes, Sister Ames told me that I need rest and even told me that they would take me to the mission home. Nah...It's bad enough being in the apartment all day! This is by far been the hardest week of the mish. :) Not just the physical pain...I can handle that...but just because I'm so miserable staying in the apartment. I just feel bad because I have so many duties and responsibilities that aren't being met. I feel bad for putting people out of their way because of my weakness...and my poor companion!!! Oh I just feel so bad for her. I just feel bad. :( I want to be out and about! :)
I truly am grateful for trials in our lives though. I know I talk about this all the time, but it's because it is oober important to me...and should be for everyone. I am so grateful for my Savior and His atonement. I have come to such a better understanding and a knowledge of the atonement. And it's times like these when I understand more fully the enabling power of the atonement. If life was all breezy good all the time, we would never understand! So I truly am grateful for them... :) And what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! Ha ha! :) Love. This. Gospel. Love my Redeemer.
To comfort my dear sweet mother. I am letting people help. I don't think this is appendicitis and I'm hours away from dying! Ha ha :) But I've been trying to take prescriptions and listen to Sister Ames and the doctors, etc. Man, I must be stubbornly prideful because it is HARD. I hate letting people help! My ward mission leader scolds me everyday because of my worries. He's just as stubborn as I am and won't let me leave his house until I'm honest! Ha ha also, his son is a doctor and is constantly checking up on me. So no I'm not dying. Yes I am getting help. And I feel sooo much better! I go to the neurologist on Wednesday so we'll see if we can figure anything out. But I think I know what it gut feeling...Hey, my gut has been right before! :) I'm gonna leave ya hanging...I'll let you know if I'm right next week. ;) Dun dun dun.
I'm doing well! :) I love the gospel. And I am truly happy. :) LOVE y'all! Keep the faith!!!! :)
Sister Barnes
P.S. Sorry...I know I still didn't give you anything too concrete, but I DID tell you more so no whinin'!!! ;)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Girdin Up My Loins

Oh boy. Sister Ames told me to gird up my loins. Man! I can't believe y'all called the office!!...but I forgive you. :) Sister Ames was checking up on me everyday, but now since y'all shared the level of pain I can apparently withstand, I got her texting me all the time. But y'all don't need to be worried! I'm doing swell! :) I'm out working all day long so obviously I'm not dying. Just to give you a little update...the doctors didn't really tell me much...but I should know more after the MRIs, the EMGs, etc. I'm being taken care please don't worry about me. :) I'll tell you more when I find out. But seriously, I'm not dying. I am loving being a missionary right now. :)
Sister Meiners literally cried every single day for a week up until transfers. I will miss her but I know she's doing amazing in the ghetto of Fort Worth! So my companion is Sister Trusty from Saratoga Springs, UT. She's a cute girl! She's young. Well I'm young...but you know what I mean. I am doing some follow up training. No training for me this time. Phew! :) Ha ha I'm still wondering when I'm going to have a follow up trainer. Anywho. She doesn't say too much yet...but I've turned into some kind of chatty cathy and it's freaking me out! I'm turning into a Texas Talker. Save me. But things are going well. Robin is still being baptized! (but it's now in September because she's going out of town). We have a few more baptisms that should be coming up! We have found some new investigators with promising potential! I just love being a missionary...I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of things. (Only took six months right?) ha ha but God has been giving me strength. And for some reason, I have been really bold lately. Like it's scaring me. Sometimes, after I say things I'm like "Where in the world did that come from?!" Maybe it's the spirit. I'm just not afraid about anything anymore. I know why I'm here. I know what I have to do. I know the people need the gospel. And I know the gospel is true. BE BOLD BUT my new motto.
Okay, I about DIED when I read about the wasp stinging Dad's tongue. Ba ha ha. "It hurt!" Oh Dad...rub some dirt in it. I HAVE heard of flyboards. I saw them on the news right before I left!!! They look freakin' sweet!!! I am so trying one someday. Wow way to make me jealous with the whole Idaho Burrito thing from Javiers. Urgh. and again with talking about the new temple video which I missed by a few days. Double urgh. (I obviously am still working on the whole "thou shalt not covet thing". I'm sure y'all did amazing in your talks! Y'all are so good at public speaking and teaching by the spirit. It's a good combo. I LOVE Autumn's dress! I was a little worried because I couldn't be there ;) but I approve!
I am giving a training tomorrow in Zone Conference on the atonement. I am so grateful for the Savior's sacrifice for me. I am so grateful for the redeeming power of the atonement, but also the enabling power. He gives me strength that I know is not of my own. He is with me, guiding me, and helping me. He understands what we are going through and how to help us, because he suffered it long before we ever did. I know that through the atonement, not only our behaviors, but our natures can be changed. and I know that "all that is unfair about life can be made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ." If anyone is struggling, please get down on your knees and plead for His help. He can not take your burden completely away, but he can give you the strength to overcome it. How great is our God.
Love y'all!!!!
Sister Barnes

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Transfer Week!

I am staying here in Arlington so no new address! I will get to the country someday...I will...but for now, I'm gonna give everything I got in Arlington, TX. I am going to miss my daughter Sister Meiners so much though. She has become my best friend. But I know this is God's will and I will love my new companion too! :) Ha ha but my bishop and my ward mission leader are very sad. They called me and Sister Meiners "spiritual twins". Also, our ward mission leader said that in all his work in the past 30 years, he's never seen two better missionaries. PFFF! I almost choked. I just feel like that is so far from the truth...but I am grateful for the strength and guidance of the Lord. I know He is with us every step of the way. There is no way I could be out here without His help. I love Him. 
I CAN listen to that CD. :) I have the Joseph Smith album on my MP3 but I totes want the missionary work one! YETTHHHH... More music. :) Thanks!
I went on another exchange this week with my Sister Training Leader. You learn lots on exchanges but the one thing that I always forget is that no missionary is perfect. I think I often assume that every other missionary is perfect and that I'm the only one with weakness...but we are all continually trying to improve. It's just good to know that we're doing alright. :)
Elder Daniel my friend my Philmont is leaving for home this week. Man! I guess that's just part of mission life...there's ALWAYS lots of changing going on. ESPECIALLY lots of change going on inside of the missionaries! Like this one! Man...I won't come home the same person. Don't worry...I'll probably still be dorky and trip all the time, but my testimony has grown love for love for the love for missionary love for this love for my love for my Savior. I understand more and more each day about what life is all about. It gives me an eternal perspective and things are just...better. Let us not forget the eternal perspective of things. Let us remember why we are here and what is most dear to us. Focus on the important things in life and don't be upset over the little's not worth it.
Sorry...I know my updates are scatter brained/weird but it's really I assume no one is surprised.
I love y'all SOOO MUCH!!! Hold fast to the iron rod!
Sister Barnes