Monday, September 23, 2013

White Settlement

First of all, I'm feeling lots better! ... It truly is miraculous how I am doing so much better...I do believe in miracles! I am grateful for the strength God has given me because I freakin' love it here! I love being a missionary! I am officially a normal missionary again and I'm so happy right now. :) I'm really not worried about things anymore.... And I really am doing much better than I was! EEEEE! :)
So yes. I went to the eye doctor. Lots of times I think the doctors just want my money more than they actually want to help me. My eyes are healthy but they gave me prescription glasses to maybe help any strain that could cause a headache. Funny because it makes it harder to see with the glasses! HA! I have great eye sight if I do say so myself! I feel like it makes my head worse. But she wants me to constantly wear them for two weeks to see if it does anything. I literally tripped and fell probably 4 or 5 times within the next few hours after wearing them. So I tried to get these giant nerd glasses...and the lady worker said " No...I can not let you get those." "but but but but!" She said they were way too big for my face. That's kind of the point lady! Ha ha! Then she brought me gross, skinny glasses that made me start throwing up when I saw myself in them because they were so hideous!!! I was like are cray cray. So we found a happy medium pair that we agreed on. I will send pics!  
So White Settlement...It is very much in da ghetto, but humble. I looooooooove it. Lots of street contacting! Lots of teaching! Busy busy! So remember the shootings from Washington DC last week? Yeah, that guy was from White Settlement. Remember the Thai restaurant that he worked at? Yeah, literally down the street. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything...oops. The public has a pet cat named Browzer. There are stray cats EVERYWHERE. Remember how I'm not very fond of cats? Still hasn't changed. Most of the people we teach don't have any teeth....and when they do...they're rotting. Everything in our apartment has something wrong with it...the lights, toaster, oven, stove, shower, washing machine, etc. It's totally the missionary experience. So that kind of explains the area I'm in! Our ward is small...almost branch size but I'm oober excited!
I love my compangee Sister Lewis! I am her follow up trainer. She just barely finished training! Still waiting for my follow up trainer! ;) But there's only a few sisters who are older than me mission wise. That's crazy because I haven't even reached my halfway mark. ANYWAY, Sister Lewis and I have so much fun. We both like to work but also to laugh while doing so. I'd be lying if I said that I never made street contacts/door contacts in a British accent. It just gets stuck sometimes. I also tend to be snorting (literally) with laughter when people answer the door. But again...lots of new investigators and we are able to get in a lot more doors! :) I just loves being a missionary.
It is FINALLY starting to cool down! They say only a few more over 100 degree days! It was raining for a good couple days there...our power was out for awhile, BUT it has cooled down because of it! It really has been a really fun transfer so far.
A couple funny stories. We were teaching this family and the father pulls out this backpack...Apparently it's his "zombie apocalypse preparedness" bag... (I. Love. Zombies.) He starts pulling out full on axes out of this tiny little bag! It was so funny. It's Texas so we get antied often but this lady (I call her the dragonfly lady) tracked us down and started telling us that we were demons because we call the Savior "Jesus" and that we are paagan worshippers and that Peter Smith is a nut....(Umm...Joseph?) And I didn't even bible bash! I only said a few maybe funny comments but I was a good girl. :) Just pray for that crazy lady because I'm worried for her salvation. Also, there was a ward party and they had a jug party. They made us missionaries get up and play in it and they sang a song dedicated to me called "Sister Baaaaarnes." That was pretty funny. But yes, I really am excited for this transfer! It's gonna be a good one!
I love y'all so much! Your prayers are being felt! The church is true and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to share it with everyone!
Sister Barnes

Monday, September 16, 2013


Okay, so first of all...I'M BEING TRANSFERRED! Here's my address...
8510 Westlake Dr. #8510-11
White Settlement, TX 76108
It's in Fort Worth...the city...of course. HA! One day I will get to the country!!!! :):):)
Okay...So I'm just gonna be frank. This is really kickin' my behind! It is really starting to hurt! It may just be because it's been so long and I'm losing my strength. I don't really know! HA! The dentist didn't call you? He said he was going to. I do indeed have TMJ, but obviously there's something much bigger...I'm not sure what they're doing with me being transferred and everything. I'll just be patient. :) I hope y'all know that I know that God is with me every step of the way! Although, I have been struggling physically, He has blessed me with spiritual strength. I am grateful for the opportunity to become so close to my Savior! :) "The best way to come closer to God is to struggle." How true is that? I'm so grateful for my Redeemer and his infinite, atoning sacrifice for me! I trust in the Lord with all my heart!
So Elder Anderson and Brother Callister came to speak to us!!!! It was great...I was having a hard time paying attention but what I did hear was truly inspired. I felt like it was just for me. :) Something that really stood out to me was how Elder Anderson said..."we do want you to be good missionaries, but importantly, we want YOU to become great disciples of Jesus Christ." He talked about how yes, we are to help others and be good missionaries...but he wants each of us to progress in this experience. That helped me a lot because I've felt so useless. I've felt like such a bad missionary and more of a burden than a blessing...but I know that I have learned and grown a lot in this past transfer. I know I will be stronger because of this trial! But it was great to shake the hand of an apostle of the Lord. :) He truly is called of God.
So Montana for the weekend huh? Do y'all ever slow down? Sheesh! DAD! I can't believe all your goals for missionary work! You always have been a great member missionary and I know that your efforts and all the members around the world will push this work forward! MOM! Lindsey Richards is indeed going on a mission to Italy! and thank you for your letter. I LOVE getting letters! :) I can feel your prayers. Also, I'll probably have to send a package home because I have accumulated so much stuff....So sorry, it won't be gifts! HA!
I love y'all so much! I'll tell you more when I find out! But until then, know that I'm doing well and that I'm happy! :) God is with me. The church is true! The gospel is true! and I love it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! Peace and Blessin'. Peace and Blessins'.
Sister Barnes

Monday, September 9, 2013

Apostle Time!!! :)

Yep...another apostle is going to come speak to us! Elder Anderson this time. I CAN'T WAIT!!! :) The Dallas mission will also be attending.. That might be a little cray cray. But still...supes excite. I also have a feeling we're going to be on facebook pretty soon here! I was glad to be rid of my facebook! But if it furthers the work, I am willing to do whatever it takes. :)
How was your vaca? Sounds like it was fun! And y'all are the best missionaries handing out Book of Mormons! (Books of Mormon?) If all members were to do such things this work would sky rocket! So THANK YOU! Keep it up! :)
How are wedding plans? I still can't believe Auttie is gettin' hitched. Is it keeping everyone busy and stressed out? Ha!
So we had missionary cleaning checks this week...Oh my hilarious. So the elders didn't warn us like they were supposed to (surprise surprise HA!) and they called us one early morning and said someone was inspecting our apartment in thirty minutes! "WHAT?! AHH!" It wasn't bad but just definitely not white glove clean! Luckily I had deep cleaned the kitchen in the middle of the night before. But we just went to work...they knocked and I still had stuff all over my bed and Sister Trusty wasn't even dressed! So I distracted them while she got dressed and then we swapped while I made my bed in literally 30 seconds RIGHT before the lady came into the room! HA! It was seriously like something from a movie. She then said our apartment was the cleanest that they've checked and we received an "excellent" rating! Right after they left, we fell to the ground and sighed with relief. Okay...really not funny...ya had to be there...
Sorry, that's about it for this week! Lame...I know. But this church is true and I love y'all! Toodles!
Sister Barnes

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Excuse me're naked...

I've been out seven months this week! Crazy...
Okay, funny story. So we got a referral from church headquarters. So of course we go over to the house and knock on the door. This man answers...naked. Not just mostly naked...but birthday suit naked. HA! I'm use to people answering the doors in their underwear or in a towel. No biggie. But this was a first for me! I've heard missionary stories like this before, but it was always in a foreign country! Oh Texas. I love you. So yeah, this guy is naked and Sister Trusty's face. HA HA HA! That moment was priceless. I tried to keep it cool and still invited him to learn more (while staring at the ceiling). He was interested and I was so GRATEFUL he wasn't! HA HA! I couldn't stop laughing. You know I'm cursed with that laughing disease...
I've recently read 3 Nephi 11 again and I. Love. It. Something that I think a lot of people skip over in this chapters is the phrase "one by one." Christ loves everyone but He loves each of us on a personal level. I think that's very important to remember.
I can't believe y'all went to Washington DC and NYC!!! I'm a little bit jealous but it's coo. I like it here in Texas. :) Do you notice how I say y'all? Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever learn how to not say y'all. HA! Just call me "Texas." :)
I know this gospel is true with all my heart and I love it!!!